
How e-commerce marketplaces can revolutionize the electronic components supply chain

In an interview with Business Reporter, Sourceability CEO Jens Gamperl discusses how e-commerce marketplaces can revolutionize the electronic components supply chain.

Business Reporter’s Ashley Blake interviewed Jens Gamperl, Sourceability’s CEO, about the state of the global electronic components supply chain.

During the conversation, the pair discussed the global chip shortage, its impact, and its complexities. “We have always seen shortages in our industry, but this one is special. What happened is when the pandemic hit in 2020, a lot of industries saw an immediate increase of demand," said Gamperl.

The supply-demand gap that followed the pandemic created a semiconductor bottleneck that continues to affect 169 industries worldwide.

Gamperl revealed that tightness within the electronic component supply chain would not ease up anytime soon. “The shortage won’t go away. The reason is that demand in our industry for electronic components will double within the next ten years. We have to find tools and ways to change our planning, our forecasting, and the way we manage our supply chain. This can only be digital.”

With over 20 years of experience in the electronic components sector, Gamperl knows 20th-century solutions do not work in the 21  century. However, there is now a better solution in the form of Sourcengine™, the industry’s first and only electronic components e-commerce marketplace.

Watch the entire interview to learn exactly how Sourceability’s next-generation procurement solution is revolutionizing the semiconductor supply chain.

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